Recent renewed surge of the dollar has helped send the pound and the French franc to new lows. 美元最近的重新增值使英镑和法朗下跌到新的低度。
Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican City, which formerly used the French franc or the Italian lira as their currency now use the euro as their currency and are licensed to mint their own euro coins in small amounts even though they are not EU states. 摩纳哥、圣马力诺、梵蒂冈过去使用法郎和意大利里拉作为他们的货币,现在使用欧元,即使他们不是欧盟成员国,也被授权少量铸造他们自己的欧元硬币。
Before that it primarily used the Spanish Peseta and sometimes the French Franc. 以前,安道尔用西班牙比塞塔作为自己的货币,有时也用法郎。
The Greek drachma, the Irish punt, the Portuguese Escudo, the Spanish peseta, the Italian lira and, maybe, the French franc would have devalued against the Deutschmark. 希腊德拉克马、爱尔兰镑、葡萄牙埃斯库多、西班牙比塞塔、意大利里拉,可能还有法国法郎,相对德国马克都已经贬值。
At the end of the 20th century, European leadership proved enlightened, opting for Monetary Union and giving up the D-mark, the French franc and the Italian lira. 在20世纪末,欧洲领导层是有远见的:选择了货币联盟,放弃了德国马克、法国法郎、意大利里拉。
The French franc and the deutsche mark are also in use between countries, aren't they? 法国的法朗和德国的马克在国际间也流通,是吗?
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, especially for the French who want their franc back. 事情就是这样,不在了才懂得珍惜,现在法国人就非常怀念法郎。(不在让你的新更加喜爱。)
Currency speculators have driven down the value of the French franc. 货币投机者使法国法郎贬值。